Recycling electronics is the most complicated recycling process. Since electronic devices are constructed with many different types of materials, there is a longer process needed in order for these electronic devices to be recycled properly. At the recycling plant for electronics, the electronics must all be categorized by product material, TVs being in one pile, printers in another for example. The next step is to have all of the electronics be hand dismantled, because machines cannot take out the harmful chemicals and pieces that cannot be recycled such as ink cartridges from printers or led and mercury from TVs and computers, many dangerous chemicals and materials are within electronic devices. If these chemicals are not taken out, it will ruin the entire recycling product for the material and cause possible nerve damage to employees at the recycling plant, so instead of a machine doing all the work, there are rows of people taking these electronics with their bare hands. After hand dismantlement, the product is put in a shredder to separate different materials within the product. Then a magnet pulls out all metal materials and a scanner, scans the remaining materials to be sorted into separate bins. Once all of the materials within the product have been separated, it is then shipped to companies that require the materials. Although in some cases, companies simply take the entire product and are resold or donated to schools and other businesses.